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Topics - Lurler

Game discussion / Vote for us!
January 08, 2015, 03:53:49 AM
If you guys have couple of minutes we would really appreciate if you can leave your vote for the game.

For now here in particular: http://www.indiedb.com/games/voidexpanse as it would help us to get better place in the rating.
News and Updates / VoidExpanse - Patch notes v0.16.x
January 06, 2015, 08:48:44 PM
VoidExpanse v0.16.x Update patch notes.

Surprisingly this update was fairly quick! Never the less it brings quite a few neat features and additions. We tried to listen to your feedback in "Is VoidExpanse ready for "gold" release? (http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=401.0)" thread and implement as much suggestions as we could that you said are crucial for game to feel complete. I hope the game is now ready for release! :) There will definitely be more polishing and bugfixes, but that is ultimately the version that will go on Steam. There will most likely be no more significant changes to the game until release.

=== VoidExpanse v0.16.0 ===
New features:
   * Implemented multiplayer party feature!
   * Added party chat and improved how PM works.
   * Custom portraits for NPC & special generator restrictions for certain NPC types. Now scientists will wear coats, while the military guys will be in battle armor.
   * Added option to disable pause in singleplayer mode.
        * Added option slider for weapon aim lines opacity.
   * Two new ships.
   * More in-game content moved to external localization files allowing it to be localized to any language.

   * Added scientists to all neutral science stations.
   * Improved performance.
   * Changed how the avatars is saved - now it's more modding friendly.
   * Improve aiming direction indication.
   * Engine sound somewhat more quiet.

   * Dedicated server option (flag: --dedicated).
   * Outpost station auto-entrance area too big.
   * Turrets not updating for other players in scope if they're not moving.
   * Private messages.
   * Black hole doesn't suck at all!
   * Turrets firing at an arriving ship before it actually arrives.
   * Other player's ship disappear/appear FX not displayed.
   * Enemy names.
   * DropDown lists are not hidden when parent is hidden (for example, if Options window is closed in Main Menu).
   * Firing when context menu clicked.

I hope you enjoy this update! ^_^
Game discussion / Box Art
January 06, 2015, 03:58:39 AM
Our artist just finished preparing the box art for Steam release.

Let us know what you think :)
Game discussion / Reworking wiki
January 05, 2015, 03:08:06 AM
Hello everyone.

Now that the game is almost ready we have little more time for other things and one of the things I personally would like to do is make our wiki a bit better since currently it lask a lot of important information.

So, my question - what articles/pages in particular would you like to see there?
Game discussion / Is VoidExpanse ready for gold?
December 24, 2014, 02:15:45 AM
Hello everyone.

There is a very important question we would like to ask you.

Seeing that many people in other communities feel betrayed by the developers when they (developers) "release" their game or move them out of early access to "gold", we felt it is something worth discussing with you first.

One recent example that I came across is this (http://i.imgur.com/uDsDJte.jpg) and I really don't want for anyone to feel that way. Which is why we discussed that point inside our team and decided to ask you directly.

For VoidExpanse we were considering both options: releasing it as a finished product or to early access, but in the end we feel that the game is ready. So, if you feel the same way we would like to release it on Steam early next year as a "gold copy", i.e. a finished product.

Does that mean we will stop developing it? We REALLY hope not! There are still a lot of features we planned to implement from the very beginning of this undertaking. It includes, for example upgrades and crafting, among other things, so there is really a lot more we can do with the game. If people on Steam, and the press can support us enough it would enable us to fund further development, which is what we ultimately want.

So, the bottom line:

Do you feel that VoidExpanse is ready to be released as a finished product ("gold copy") to Steam?

If not - what do we have to do to make it ready?

Note: There are a few things we will do before the release, naturally:
* Fix English (currently working on it).
* Fix all remaining bugs (currently working on it).
* Finish Russian translation (currently working on it).
News and Updates / VoidExpanse - Patch notes v0.15.x
December 17, 2014, 02:26:47 AM
VoidExpanse v0.15.x Update patch notes.

How long has it been already? More than half a year since the last major version release in July! And the game changed so much that it is just incomparable to what was there before! It changed so much, in fact, that we couldn't even release it as an experimental version since we also rewrote the launcher, master server, and many other subsystems. So we are releasing it in one grand shot of pure awesomeness! Well... if it works :)
This version is still marked as alpha, but it is a beta candidate. And as soon as we finish a few other things we will release a stable beta version and after some time after that we will do a full Steam release. So, here it is. Below is the list of changes. Though some changes had to be omitted due to sheer size of the update.

Note: We are still working on some things and will release subsequent updates and fixes in the next few days. We will do a blog post and proper release once everything finalized in a few days.

=== VoidExpanse v0.15.0 ===
New features:
   * Re added missing quests and topics to the game (such as "rats in the cellar" and others).
   * Localization is implemented. Now in-game content and interface can be translated into other languages.
   * New UI!
   * Steam integration.
   * Voice notifications, such as "shields down", "energy depleted" and such.
   * You can now finally complete the game for all factions! There are a number of different paths to take leading to completely different endings.
   * The game now properly pauses in singleplayer mode.
   * A LOT of new content, items, devices, objects, goods and everything else.
   * Added list of all available servers in multiplayer menu, as well as different filters, history, favorites, etc.
   * New music tracks and sound effect.
   * Added "version.txt" to easily track versions of the game for modders or server owners.
   * Added special portraits to most of the unique NPCs.
   * Tutorial system for Singleplayer mode.
   * New meters and reworked design of inventory/hangar screen.
   * Added new kind of turret to guard jumpgates.
   * Damage of enemies now depends on level of a system, making low level systems a bit easier, while high level much more challenging.

   * Inventory slots now blink with green color if you can put an item there, making it easier for people to understand where they can equip a particular item.
   * Many changes to different quests in the game.
   * Updated upcoming features list in extras.
   * Updated networking protocol, data buffering and behavior to decrease lag and amount of traffic.
   * Visual changes to a lot of parts of the game.
   * Completely redone all NPC ships with better balance, unique quirks and much more variety on all difficulties.
   * Performance and compatibility improvements across different operating systems.
   * Smarter autopilot system.
   * Reworked tooltips for all items in the game.
   * The game now uses documents folder to store saves, logs, mods and other such files on all operating systems for easier access.
   * Improved galaxy generation.
   * Improved AI.
   * Rewrote sprites animation system for weapons.

   * More than a hundred different minor and major bugs were fixed.

=== VoidExpanse v0.15.3 ===
New features:
   * New voice events.
   * "--dedicated" server launch arg
   * Weapon turrets: added adjustment of firing point and turret scale in XML.
   * Russian localization is now available. It isn't finished yet (quests are not localized yet).

   * Projectiles now shoot out of the barrel of the weapon with proper visual effects.
   * Mac & Linux server performance improved.
   * Hull collision sparks.
   * Improved launching time VERY significantly.

   * Mining.
   * UPnP port forwarding.
   * Black/White lists.
   * Backend issues.
   * Volume sliders.
   * Max players count in Online Servers list.
   * Multiplayer menu - freezes.
   * Freeze on exit (still may happens on Mac, use Cmd+Option+Escape).
   * Various crashes.
   * MP chat issues.
   * Localization switching.
   * Incorrect crates disappearance.
Game discussion / Testing STEAM version
October 28, 2014, 03:48:07 AM
We are almost done with Steam integration and we need to test the game to make sure it works the way it should.

We are going to do it ourselves (naturally), but it would really help if you guys can test it as well.
Though, we don't plan to release any of these update to the public yet.

So, basically we need people using different operating systems to test the Steam version of the game on Windows, Linux and Mac.

If you have enough spare time and would like to help us with testing please let me know here! Also please specify what system you are using and could test the game on.

And as always, thank you for your continued support! We are almost there! Just a bit more and the finished version of the game will be ready!

Edit: we reconsidered the part of doing it in secrecy, so we are just going to give away keys to people who expressed their interest.

Edit: Thank you everyone, but we already have enough people participating in the closed testing!
Game discussion / Steam!
October 15, 2014, 01:44:34 AM
The game now runs on Steam!


Well, not exactly. It runs all right, but we haven't yet implemented steam API to allow for multiplayer and other mandatory features.

But I thought it is worth sharing with you guys, at least for us it's a major milestone :)

But that's not all!



Yup, that's steam trading cards for VoidExpanse. We've created a bunch, but I won't share more info until the release to not spoil the fun of discovering it for yourself.
Game discussion / Working on new quests and topics
October 09, 2014, 09:56:54 PM
Since v0.10.x is finally stable we are back to work on the new version!
And I decided to create this topic to discuss quests specifically. You all know that quests are a major part of the game so we take it very seriously, and we really want to make it even bigger. For example each faction will have has (already) its own completely separate storyline, etc.

Anyway, I just wanted to share what's being worked on at the moment and maybe get some feedback from you.

Mining foreman will have topics about mining. These will work more or less as a tutorial.
"Rats in the cellar" quest is back in a slightly changed form.
"Trade fuel" in space is back. You can ask flying merchants and other ships to share their fuel and if they feel like it they might oblige.
"Science" quest is added, where you can donate artifacts to different science stations and get some services in return.

Any other ideas to add maybe? Something that is not terribly difficult to add and I might be able to do it.
News and Updates / VoidExpanse - Patch notes v0.10.x
September 24, 2014, 02:15:08 AM
VoidExpanse v0.10.x Update patch notes.

We wanted to make a small content update but in the end decided to push more features that were being in development and ended up with a full blown update :)
I hope you will like the changes! We are one step closer to the finished game!

=== VoidExpanse v0.10.0 ===

New features:
   * You can now select female characters, and some NPC in the game are now females.
   * Alternative control scheme (like in casual games) - point mouse where you want to fly. Might also be a very good option for a very maneuverable ships. Also quick selector in the inventory screen to change the control scheme on the fly (pun not intended).
   * Nav points system. You can now setup your own markers on the map to highlight a flight path or some points of interest.
   * New heavy cruiser ship - Yamato.
   * All new icons for items.
   * New unique soundtracks to each station.
   * Several new mine weapons.
   * More parts for character generator.
   * Avatar layers images now have probability coefficients for generation (no more aviators on 99% of characters).
   * Added "check" server start argument - useful for mods validation.
   * New API methods for modding.
   * Added "random amount" property for item drop lists.
   * New image for station info screen.
   * NPCs now greet you when you start conversation.
   * New boosters, such as boosters that improve mining.
   * New devices, such as EMP generator.
   * Other new minor things added.

   * Adjusted sizes of some stations a little.
   * Better drop lists for pirates. Separate drop lists for pirate dens (with awesomely valuable loot).
   * Some sound improvements.
   * Notifications are now properly shown when a device cannot be used (different messages in different situations).
   * Collision handling now takes impact velocity into account to calculating damage.
   * Mining devices now use energy.
   * Increased solar radiation damage.
   * Adjusted chances of particular type of star system spawning.
   * Increased size of blackholes.
   * Stars are now displayed on the radar (minimap).
   * Javascript: the engine now uses the strict mode for compilation and running (thanks god, finally!).
   * Javascript: greatly improved issue reporting (javascript stacktrace introduced with correct line numbers, file names for used libs, etc).
   * Other changes and improvements.

   * No damage to hull after shields are disabled, until the re-establish.
   * On shield down shield physics still remained (it means ship continued to collide like it had a shield still).
   * Persuade ability not working properly.
   * Other issues with topics (related to script handling).
   * Bugs with collisions processing.
   * Merchants stuck near military station.
   * Mac thread hang.
   * Game crashes on open galaxy map after it changes.
   * Models disappear sometimes.
   * Other issues.

=== VoidExpanse v0.10.1 ===

New features:
   * Autopilot!
   * Quick button to switch control scheme.
   * Pause in singleplayer!
   * Partial refuel & repair - for whatever money a player has.
   * Icons for all statuses and active effects such as autopilot, cruising, EMP, etc.

   * Shuttle icon now also has civilian symbol like other civilian items.
   * Changed some icons to improve how everything is displayed.
   * Updated some music tracks with better versions.
   * Bullet-point lists for requirements in tooltips.
   * Force fast ping remeasure (for faster network resynchronization).
   * Headhunters were spawning too often - now not so often.
   * Jumpgate FX is properly clipped now, also some slight visual changes.
   * Changed how skill effects and requirements are displayed.

   * Item tooltips. Values are strangely padded.
   * Can't start dialog after respawn on station in an another star system.
   * Physics resynchronization often hangs/freezes and works unreliable (BLACK LOADING SCREEN!).
   * Public terminal: "nothing to talk about" :)
   * Planet texture seams.
   * Jump trail isn't drawn when jumping sometimes.

=== VoidExpanse v0.10.2 ===

   * Smoother routes built for autopilot and AI.
   * Solar radiation will now ignore shields and damage hull directly.
   * Very slightly increased pull of the black hole in that system.
   * Removed aliens planet from main menu.
   * Removed herobrine.

   * Skills won't go beyond Lvl 1.
   * Bug when pressing [F] multiple times at jumpgate.
   * Ship continues movement when entering jumpgate with autopilot.
   * Jumpgate FX issues
   * When pressing [F] in Container Exchange windows, tooltips remains displayed after container is closed.
   * Sometimes ship freezes when starting docking.
   * Ship could jump through solid objects.


=== VoidExpanse v0.10.3 ===

   * Fixed compatibility with Mac and Linux.
   * Fixed server crash when autopilot complete route to another system.
        * Fixed Scurvy saying "welcome to our station!".
        * Some other minor fixes and improvements.


   * How to visit Xengatarn systems in this update? - We are changing the way players get access to Xengatarn system, but at the moment it is in transitional state. Later you will get a quest for that, but now you have to search neutral system for Barrich guy, he will be on one of the stations. He will give you a special device to travel to their systems. If you lost this device, he can sell you a new one.
        * Savegames from previous versions (<0.10.0) will not work with this version.

As always you can download the experimental version of this update using our game launcher.

And please leave your feedback! The sooner we can stabilize this update the sooner we can release it as a stable version and continue working on the next update that will introduce crafting and modifications! :)
News and Updates / VoidExpanse: Female characters
September 14, 2014, 09:53:27 PM
Original blogpost: https://atomictorch.com/Post/Id1077

So, now that VoidExpanse has finally being greenlit (yay!) we can now work on the game with even more confidence! And we are already half way with the next update.

The new update won't be as big as some previous ones, but it isn't meant to be. The thing is - our programmer, Vladimir is working on serious engine extension to allow for localization, autopilot and many other features that will come later, for Steam launch.

So, while he is at that, me and Andrei decided to make a smaller, but still very cool content update.

So, what can you expect in it? That post is one of several previws for that update and you can expect...

Yes! Female characters are finally being added into the game. The examples above are still work in progress, of course, but I think you will definitely like what you will see in the game. At least I do for sure :)
News and Updates / VoidExpanse has been Greenlit on Steam!
September 09, 2014, 09:56:21 PM

We are very happy to announce that VoidExpanse has finally been Greenlit! We couldn't even imagine how much support we would get from the community when we launched that campaign. And now, after just one month after the submission you helped VoidExpanse get on Steam. That means a lot to us, and to the future of the game. Thank you everyone!

We can now shift our focus back to the development again and continue with the updates as we did before the campaign. We are really striving to to make the best game possible and we hope you continue supporting us in the future!

We will also provide you with more information on the Steam version of the game and release date fairly soon. So stay tuned and don't forget to check our blog once in a while!

Original post: https://atomictorch.com/Post/VoidExpanse-has-been-Greenlit-on-Steam
General Discussions / AtomicTorch Blog?
September 08, 2014, 01:37:10 AM
I noticed that lately there isn't really a whole lot to write about in our blog. So I am wondering - is there anything particular that you'd like us to talk about?

I am currently preparing another article about music in VoidExpanse and I am also going to give a little preview of the upcoming update fairly soon. But that is mostly it...

So, any requests or suggestions? What would you like us to write?
General Discussions / Favorite Sci-Fi series?
September 08, 2014, 12:58:18 AM
I decided to create a few interesting topics for discussions not directly related to the game to make the forum a little bit more active.
So for starters I wonder - what is your favorite Sci-Fi series?

For me personally it is definitely StarGate, especially SG-1 and Atlantis. Though, I never liked the Universe, because they took it too far from the originals.
Also I quite liked the Firefly, especially the episode about mud people and the statue :)

So, what would be your answer and why?
Original post: https://atomictorch.com/Post/Id1074


Here is a long awaited update about our greenlight campaign! We've finally reached top 100! And to be precise we've reached #62 place at this point! Out of 1900 other titles. And I think it warrants at least a little bit of celebration!

We still aim for 50+ to be absolutely sure that we are accepted by Valve, but I think now it is only a matter of time!

Take a look at the statistics yourself:

Please share this campaign with your friends and help us make it happen!

And if you haven't voted yourself yet - you can find our campaign here, and hopefully vote!

Thank you everyone for your amazing support! :)

What do you guys think? :)

We all are personally very happy to finally reach the top 100 mark!

It surely doesn't mean we are greenlit yet, but it brings us closer to it, and hopefully Valve will see the potential of this game and allow us on steam.
Game discussion / What I noticed
August 06, 2014, 03:46:42 AM
You know. I noticed that most of the discussions on this forum take place between community and the developers. It's good, but the problem is, if you people don't talk to each other we won't be able to actually build the community into anything bigger than what it is now :)
But I am not sure what can be done here to change that.
News and Updates / VoidExpanse - Patch notes v0.9.x
July 24, 2014, 04:11:09 AM
VoidExpanse v0.9.x Update patch notes.

You can find the release post here: https://atomictorch.com/Post/Id1070

VoidExpanse is now also available for Mac OS and Linux! You can download each build in "My games and items" on our website.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.9b ===
List of changes: http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=203.msg1811#msg1811

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.8 ===
List of changes: http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=203.msg1612#msg1612

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.7 ===
List of changes: http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=203.msg1518#msg1518

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.6 ===
List of changes: http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=203.msg1363#msg1363

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.5 ===
List of changes: http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=203.msg1156#msg1156

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.4 ===
   * Updated extras menu.
   * Increased station storage size to 1000.

   * Minor save game issue.
   * Containers in the world are disappearing when docking.
   * Connection with master server closing right after connection with game server established.
   * Game client disconnects from Local GameServer when Multiplayer menu closes.
   * Some fixes to texts.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.3 ===

   * Server logs will now flush (write all pending entries) before shut down.
   * Save game will now properly check compatibility and display correct information.
   * Multiplayer servers will now properly notify the client if the version is different.

   * Freezing on Mac due to local server issues.
   * The game crash when quitting.
   * Turret line is offsetted when flying at full speed.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.2 ===

   * Server performance stats logging is now implemented to make it easier to identify any potential problems in the future.
   * Graphical assets optimization (up to 25% size reduction).
   * CPU usage improved significantly (network related issue).
   * Improved networking & physics interpolation.

   * Critical bug with ModsConfig.xml
   * Bug with creation of local game.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.1 ===

   * Made radar ranges higher. Now different radars will give different surroundings scanning range.
   * New explosions, also dependent on the size of the object.
   * Updated backgrounds generation.
   * Explosions now add impulse, based on radius and max_radius.
   * Improved shadows rendering. Now much smoother.
   * Refactored savegames system. Now much better, faster and smaller. I hope it works... :)
   * Update credits (license usage).
   * New trail effects.
   * Other small changes.
   * Hardcore mode not working.
   * Gentleman bonus not working properly.
   * Banshee Mk2, ballistic hardpoint position.
   * Ramming not counting towards kills.
   * "About trade" and "Trade route" shouldn't be in history section.
   * Gratitude phrases. "Thanks much", etc.
   * Disruptor ray description, properties and requirements.
   * Freighter blinker is on the wrong side.
   * Radars not using energy.
   * Bug with rocket model position in relation to world origin.
   * Weapons doted lines aren't moving with mouse.
   * Quest tooltips not working.
   * Tooltip of consumables isn't displaying properly.
   * Effects definitions.
   * Hull repair doesn't work and tell "the item is on cooldown" 3 times.
   * Mines and missiles giving too much explosion impulse.
   * Astrogeology skill doesn't work.
   * Character avatar not displaying after Alt+Tab.
   * Some windows not closed by ESC key.
   * Avatars cache.
   * Other fixes.

=== VoidExpanse v0.9.0 ===

New features:
   * Character classes are now implemented. Depending on your choice you will get completely different starting skills and items.
   * Skill system is now fully implemented and includes more than a hundred skills separated into four categories: piloting, combat, engineering and social.
   * New NPC types using new ships and new weapons.
   * A whole lot of new weapons for all categories.
   * Missile weapons were finally implemented and include a whole range of different types starting from self guided missiles to a tactical nuclear weapon.
   * New space garbage types.
   * A lot of new sounds are added and some existing ones are adjusted.
   * New space backgrounds.
   * New music, making it now a total of 18 tracks with a play time of almost an hour.
   * When you target a ship the pilots portrait is now shown.
   * Added more random quests.
   * Screenshot format selector in options: now you are able to choose between PNG and JPG.
   * Reputation changes with factions are now properly displayed.
   * New trading system allowing you to finally trade and extract profit from it. As well as other changes such as random stock generation for items, etc.
   * Server settings are implemented.
   * New weapons models in the game, different for each weapon category.
   * Mini bosses. Now you can encounter pirate "encampments" in all systems.
   * New hulls for your to purchase and use.
   * UI scaling is implemented.
   * The game now supports HiDPI resolutions (with proper UI), will be especially important to Mac users.
   * A ton of other new stuff.

   * Renaming to a lot of things in the game.
   * Changes and fixes to existing quests.
   * New topics to discuss with NPC. For example you can ask a broker on a trade station about profitable trade routes.
   * Weapons definition format is extended with new properties. Some older properties that weren't working are now implemented.
   * Game performance is improved significantly.
   * Music now slowly transitions.
   * Rewritten cache management (textures / models / sounds), now fully asynchronous and multithreaded.
   * Help window image is replaced with higher resolution to remove blurriness.
   * Much better mining effects, including pieces of rocks flying away from the asteroid being mined.
   * Skills are now separated into "essential" and "non essential" and are visually distinct.
   * Items can now require effects instead of skills (important for modding).
   * Replaced physics for ships (now much more "real world correct"). Flying feels much smoother now.
   * Extended keybindings.
   * Changes to some texts in the game.
   * Changes to experience / character level progression.
   * Civilian items are now always infinite of all stations.
   * Improved all in-game tooltips. For example consumable tooltips now display full and correct information.
   * Added info on where a particular item must be equipped to tooltips.
   * If you try to undock and you don't have any weapons it will ask you if you really want to do it.
   * A ton of other changes.
   * Autosave lag.
   * Bugs with quests.
   * Textures disappearing.
   * Weapons positions on the ship.
   * Game crash after respawn.
   * Incorrect models positions.
   * Sun effect using too much processing time even if not visible.
   * Space dust disappearing after Unity 4.5.
   * Bugs with "apply" in options.
   * Console bugs / crashes.
   * Background screen not updating after death.
   * Inventory being open after death.
   * Dead players ship not respawning when savegame loaded.
   * Avatars rendering quality (gray pixels on edges).
   * Issues with help screen (not closed by F1, sometimes opened by F8/F9).
   * All asteroids being the same size.
   * Ships use side thrusters too much while docking.
   * Blurred vector graphics.
   * "Show on map" - shows incorrect marker.
   * Music not looping, starting / stopping incorrectly.
   * A ton of other fixes.
I am working on finally implementing the skill system for the new update and so far I am not satisfied with results at all.

Here is what I have so far. Click on the pics to enlarge.

Piloting tree

This one is quite okay. I am happy with different choices available to cater to different playstyles and in general I think it is acceptable. It is very likely that we will tweak it more, and extend with new, more interesting skills.

Combat tree

To be honest I have no idea what to put here, and how to organize it.
Additionally this small tree with access to different weapons - it works I guess, but I don't like it.

Engineering tree

I am happy with the asteroid mining part, but the rest is boring, and there are only very few skills available.

Misc tree

The social part on the right seems okay.
But that's all the skills I can think of for this category... Need more.
And the thing on the left is a list  of effects that are there but not used for any skills. I can imagine the weapon bonuses will be handy for combat tree. And shield effects might be useful for engineering tree. But I have no concrete ideas on how to do it yet.

So, that's what I have so far.

Any ideas will be really appreciated! :)

Or maybe you can design a skill system from scratch better than this one? :)

Will any of you be attending E3 this year?
I would like to ask for your help if possible.
Game discussion / Have you joined any faction?
June 04, 2014, 03:40:04 AM
Has anyone joined any faction and completed all available quests from them?
Have you tried Order / Freedom?
What is your opinion on the quests we currently have in the game? (there are around 12 faction quests)
Any other thoughts on the quests and dialogues in the game so far?