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Messages - ai_enabled

Ideas and suggestions / Re: Official Global pvp Ideas
January 20, 2023, 04:54:47 PM
Thank you for your feedback.

1. Please note that CryoFall development has finished (currently we're working on a new game). We can adjust server rates, settings, etc, but changing game mechanics and adding new game mechanics is not possible.

2. It's recommended to transfer the base to faction ownership. With faction-owned land claim you don't have to manually manage the base access lists.

3. Please note that currently all the official PvP servers use a community-created small map due to a relatively low online number (the official map is about 8 times larger). The current map is this one https://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=1818
Feel free to post your suggestions for the map in the map's discussion thread. You can also create your own map by using CryoFall Editor.
While the current small map may not seem ideal for beginners, it was never intended to be the ideal map for everyone. It's intentionally a hardcore map and it's one of the reasons why all the big teams return to play each wipeΓÇöto compete and try their luck again.

Help section / Re: game keeps hanging
January 09, 2023, 07:27:33 AM
Please check your email, my reply might stuck in spam filter.
Help section / Re: game keeps hanging
January 09, 2023, 04:49:14 AM
Thanks for reaching us here.
It seems to be a rendering issue. Please try clean installing the GPU driver.
If the issue persists, please send us an email at support@atomictorch.com and attach the latest 10 log files from this folder:

Bug reports / Re: Biome erkunden - Teil 1
January 01, 2023, 06:29:35 PM
There are several similar biomes. E.g. there are three kinds of beaches: Tropical beach, Temperate beach, and Arctic beach.
You need to visit a particular one to complete the quest.

Help section / Re: Creating galaxy
December 09, 2022, 07:52:33 AM
I don't remember any similar issue reported by players before.
Do you have any active mods? Perhaps one of them is affecting the world generation.
If you still experience this issue, please send us the last few server logs at this email: support@atomictorch.com

The logs folder location: Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\CryoFall\Logs
(please sort by date, we need only logs with the names containing "Server_")


Unfortunately, this feature is not implemented in the current version of the game in Epic Store, and we cannot push a new version.

Please let me know your in-game nickname (as displayed in the bottom right corner of the main menu) and I will create a new AtomicTorch account linked to it (so you can download and use CryoFall Editor from our website).

The guide has been updated for VS2022. Enjoy!
Help section / Re: Game darkness
November 24, 2022, 10:07:29 AM

The attached picture doesn't look too dark hereΓÇöI've compared it with the game running locally and got exactly the same brightness of the UI elements and the background. Does it look the same in the game?

Please try running the game in windowed mode to see if there is any difference.

Please note that the gamma setting doesn't affect the UI elements (but in my case definitely makes the game visuals very bright).

Apparently the paths in your mod are different so you have duplication of the original classes instead of mod override.
Modding info / Re: Error while trying to load mod
November 15, 2022, 06:43:04 PM
There is a .temp folder (with the binaries produced by VS Build) which was included in the mod.
Modding info / Re: Error while trying to load mod
November 15, 2022, 06:27:10 PM
Hi MightyMonte88,
it was reported a few times, related to how you pack the mod. Please ensure that:
1. You're using 7-Zip tool in Zip archive format without compression ("Store" compression level).
2. You've compressed the contents of the mod folder instead of the mod folder itself (so when you open the MPK file in 7-Zip you see Header.xml right in its root, not in some nested folder).

Modding info / Re: NETSDK1045 error
November 15, 2022, 05:10:58 AM
I'm not sure about "Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf" error as I cannot reproduce this issue.
You can edit "CryoFall.Mod.Sdk\Sdk.props" file to change the package version to 1.1.31 this way:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf" Version="1.1.31" />

The warnings are safe to ignore.

Modding info / Re: NETSDK1045 error
November 14, 2022, 09:06:24 AM
Yes, exactly. The guide in Steam is outdated. Install VS2022 with .NET 6 SDK and original Core.cpk will load and build without errors.

Also, if you're going to port your old mod you will also need to rewrite your csproj file to the new format (just take one from Core.cpk and change as necessary).

Modding info / Re: NETSDK1045 error
November 14, 2022, 08:58:29 AM
Right, VS2022 is the way to go now. Perhaps latest version of VS Code is also fine, we've not tried.

The official CryoFall VS Extension is no longer useful (we're going to either remove it or add a message in the description explaining this). Currently we're using the new csproj format (aka ".NET SDK" format) instead of the old one (which VS used for almost two decades), the only requirement is fresh version of VS and .NET 6 SDK. With the new csproj format the old extension is no longer useful as new csproj format provides all the features we need (such as automatically including all the *.cs/.xml/.png/.jpg/.ogg/etc files in the VS project).
The only missing feature is one-click debugging of the running game with VS Debugger. However, you can use VS feature "Attach to process" (Ctrl+Alt+P) and it will work exactly like before.

QuoteI need to place a copy of that sdk, directly in my working directory ? Im totally lost now. Again, i followed the Modding prerequisites guide, and this steam guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1707742469, as i did last time, my old working dir with the old game version still works fine.
I'm not sure how your working directory is organized. I've re-read the guide now. If your working folder is just a carbon copy of the original "Core" subfolder (or the whole game) and your mod is inside either "Core" or "Mod" subfolder then everything is configured properly. The mod project will automatically locate CryoFall SDK (the actual path to the SDK is figured out by *.csproj file, see the lines with "<CryoFallSdk>").


UPD. Yes, your working directory is looking good. You only need to install VS2022 with .NET 6 SDK.
Modding info / Re: NETSDK1045 error
November 14, 2022, 08:22:44 AM
Are you certain that you have .NET 6 SDK installed?

Please also ensure that you have the latest CryoFall SDK in your working folder (you can always take the latest version from the "Core" subfolder in the game installation location).