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Messages - ai_enabled

The NoesisGUI team confirmed that the issue will be resolved with the next version of NoesisGUI. We will include it with the next patch.

Thank you for reporting this!

Thank you for the logs.
I will address it to the NoesisGUI team, it seems strange that it cannot use GLSL 1.40.
Servers / Re: -PVE- / community server
April 27, 2015, 02:56:44 AM
I hope the content update will breathe new life to the multiplayer :).
kyokei, thanks for your invaluable support!
Could you upload the latest game log file located at ~/.config/unity3d/AtomicTorchStudio/VoidExpanse/Player.log please?
Thanks for reporting! It seems the game server cannot establish secure connection with the Master Server when you run the server for the first time. We will investigate and fix that.
We have already a prototype for these ideas, and it works in a way you've described. However, there are a lot of work before we can release it (for example, the game requires checksum for all the files, which is automatically provided by the ZIP archive).
About the mod reloading - I think the shortcut for reloading all the data will be much more useful than a key in the options: Ctrl+F5 for reloading client only, Ctrl+F6 for reloading client and server together (so the client will re-connect).
Mods / Re: tools for modding?
April 24, 2015, 01:51:02 AM
We're considering it. Also we want to add ability to reload CPK/MPK right in the game, so you can faster test new scripts and visual appearance.
Currently there are no such event. We could add it in the future versions.
You can workaround it by spawning some cargo when you see that there are no cargo in the NPCs inventory.
>> Is the cargo generated randomly from a drop list?

The NPCs have inventory, but it's always empty for them. So with scripting you can place something to it and when NPC die you can spawn a drop container with these items.

Yes, it's not implemented it in v1.2.9. Will be added in the next version.
We've also noticed that when developing the healing ray device.
Bug reports / Re: Game Still wont Run in ubuntu
April 23, 2015, 11:42:44 PM
VoidExpanse v1.2.9 should run fine for you. Have you tried it?
Use this command
op add <nickname>
(if use it in chat, prepend it with a / )
Thanks for the script.
It will be fixed with the next build. It happens because you're adding a crate (which is a physics body) while the server iterating the list of the physics objects. So collection was modified and it stops processing it. However, it stops only for the current server frame and it will continue on the next frame, so this exception is just a warning for us, don't worry about it - it should works fine!
Help section / Re: Creating an empty space crate
April 22, 2015, 12:52:39 AM
Sorry for that, I've found a bug with this function, a small mistype ruining it... :-( Will be fixed in the next build.
As a workaround, please create a new droplist xml ("droplist_empty.xml") with the content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- empty list -->

Place it at the "data/itemslist" folder and then you can invoke function generator.AddContainer() with the "droplist_empty" argument. It should spawn an empty crate container.

You need to edit the item XML file and add "quest_item" to the "flags" element like we done for some quests items available in the game.